Välillä tekee hyvää matkailla kotimaassa. Moni ei ehkä
ajattele, kuinka paljon täälläkin on nähtävää. Ulkomailta tulevat
turistit matkustavat karkeasti jaoteltuna joko Lappiin tai Helsinkiin.
Toki näissä kohteissa on paljon turisteja viehättäviä elementtejä, mutta
Suomi on paljon muutakin. Jokaisesta läänistä löytyy mielenkiintoisia
kohteita. Joskus siis etelänloman voi korvata vaikka vain
naapurikaupunkiin lähtemisellä.
ja muu pääkaupunkiseutu ovat erityisesti kesäkohteita. Näin koen
ainakin itse tällä hetkellä Espoossa asuvana. Lasten näkökulmasta
Linnanmäki ja Korkeasaari ovat loistavia vierailukohteita. Aikuisten
näkökulmasta taas Suomenlinna on vaikuttava, kuten myös erilaiset
kesäisin järjestettävät markkinat. Toki pääkaupunkiseudulla on paljon
museoita, joissa voi vierailla koska tahansa. Silti ainakin tämä lumeton
ja lämmin talvi saa kaipaamaan Lappiin.
Helsinki, foreigner.fi |
on kevyesti yksi maagisimmista paikoista talvisin. Meillä on tapana
käydä vuosittain jossakin Lapin lomakohteessa. Tietenkin myös koira- ja
porosafarit kuuluvat asiaan. Moottorikelkkasafareilla emme ole ainakaan
vielä käyneet, sillä lapset ovat liian pieniä. Seuraava Lappi-elämys
voisi olla iglussa majoittuminen. Lasikatosta näkisi ainakin hyvin
mahdolliset revontulet.
Oulun seutu
kauan asuneena pystyn hyvin näkemään Oulun potentiaalin
matkailukohteena. Nallikarista löytyy upea uimaranta. Tori taas on
kesäisin kokoontumispaikka, jossa järjestetään erilaista ohjelmaa.
Oulusta ei myöskään tarvitse mennä kauas, kun pääsee vaeltamaan
Foreign tourists travel roughly to either Lapland or Helsinki. Sure, these destinations have a lot of attractive elements for tourists, but there is so much more in Finland. There are interesting places in each county. Let's see what Finland has to offer.
Metropolitan area
Helsinki and the rest of the metropolitan area are especially summer destinations. At least this is how I feel at the moment living in Espoo. From the child's point of view, Linnanmäki and Korkeasaari are great places to visit. From the adult's point of view, Suomenlinna is impressive, as are the various markets held during the summer. Of course there are many museums in the Helsinki metropolitan area that you can visit at any time. Still at least this snow-free and warm winter makes me missing Lapland.
Lapland is definitely one of the most magical places in winter. We usually travel to Lapland every year. Of course husky and reindeer safaris are always part of our holiday. We haven't been in snowmobile safaris yet because the kids are too young. The next Lapland experience could be staying in an igloo. At least the northern lights would be visible from the glass ceiling.
The Oulu region
As a person who has lived in Oulu for a long time, I can see the potential of Oulu as a tourist destination. Nallikari is a wonderful beach. On the other hand, the marketplace is a gathering place during the summer and there is always a lot of different activities and events. You also don't have to travel far from Oulu to go hiking.
Lake Finland
Lake Finland is located in Inner Finland and especially in its' eastern parts. Perhaps the most famous city in the area is Mikkeli. There are many points of interest in the Mikkeli region, especially if you are looking for a nature destination. Of course Lake Saimaa is also located in Lake Finland. Saimaa has been named one of the most impressive lakes in the world by the American magazine Wall Street Journal. So if you haven't been to Lake Saimaa yet, now is the time to do so.
Because I come from Sotkamo, I'm going to advertise my home region here. Sotkamo itself is a great destination if you are looking for an active holiday. In winter husky, reindeer and snowmobile safaris and downhill skiing or snowboarding are popular activities. You can also go snowboarding in the summer at the Snowboard Tunnel. Cross-country skiing is also possible at the Ski Tunnel. In addition to Sotkamo there are also other ski resorts in Kainuu, such as Paljakka and Ukkohalla. In the summer you can go hiking in the nature. Nature can be found anywhere in this region.
Oulussa riittää ulkojäitä, eli esimerkiksi luistelemista on helppo harrastaa. Ei mikään ihme, että parhaat jääkiekkoilijat tulee just Oulusta... |
Järvi-Suomi sijaitsee Sisä-Suomessa ja erityisesti sen itäisissä osissa. Alueen ehkä tunnetuin kaupunki on Mikkeli. Mikkelin seudulta löytyykin monia kiinnostavia kohteita varsinkin silloin, jos etsinnässä on luontokohde. Järvi-Suomessa sijaitsee tietenkin myös Saimaa. Amerikkalainen sanomalehti Wall Street Journal on nimennyt Saimaan yhdeksi maailman vaikuttavimmista järvistä. Jos et siis vielä ole käynyt Järvi-Suomessa ihastelemassa Saimaata, on viimeistään nyt jo aika tehdä niin.Saimaa, visitsaimaa.fi |
Koska olen itse lähtöisin Sotkamosta, aion mainostaa kotiseutuani tässä. Sotkamo itsessään on loistava kohde, jos etsii aktiivista lomaa. Talvisin tarjolla on husky-, poro- ja moottorikelkkasafareita ja laskettelua tai lumilautailua. Lautailua ei kannata unohtaa kesälläkään, sillä Lumilautatunneli palvelee samaan tapaan kuin Hiihtoputki hiihtäjiä. Sotkamon lisäksi Kainuusta löytyy muutenkin laskettelukeskuksia, kuten Paljakka ja Ukkohalla. Kesällä taas voi vaeltaa luonnon keskellä, sillä sitähän Kainuusta löytyy.Vuokatti Safaris tarjoaa huskysafareita |
Foreign tourists travel roughly to either Lapland or Helsinki. Sure, these destinations have a lot of attractive elements for tourists, but there is so much more in Finland. There are interesting places in each county. Let's see what Finland has to offer.
Metropolitan area
Helsinki and the rest of the metropolitan area are especially summer destinations. At least this is how I feel at the moment living in Espoo. From the child's point of view, Linnanmäki and Korkeasaari are great places to visit. From the adult's point of view, Suomenlinna is impressive, as are the various markets held during the summer. Of course there are many museums in the Helsinki metropolitan area that you can visit at any time. Still at least this snow-free and warm winter makes me missing Lapland.
Lapland is definitely one of the most magical places in winter. We usually travel to Lapland every year. Of course husky and reindeer safaris are always part of our holiday. We haven't been in snowmobile safaris yet because the kids are too young. The next Lapland experience could be staying in an igloo. At least the northern lights would be visible from the glass ceiling.
The Oulu region
As a person who has lived in Oulu for a long time, I can see the potential of Oulu as a tourist destination. Nallikari is a wonderful beach. On the other hand, the marketplace is a gathering place during the summer and there is always a lot of different activities and events. You also don't have to travel far from Oulu to go hiking.
Lake Finland
Lake Finland is located in Inner Finland and especially in its' eastern parts. Perhaps the most famous city in the area is Mikkeli. There are many points of interest in the Mikkeli region, especially if you are looking for a nature destination. Of course Lake Saimaa is also located in Lake Finland. Saimaa has been named one of the most impressive lakes in the world by the American magazine Wall Street Journal. So if you haven't been to Lake Saimaa yet, now is the time to do so.
Because I come from Sotkamo, I'm going to advertise my home region here. Sotkamo itself is a great destination if you are looking for an active holiday. In winter husky, reindeer and snowmobile safaris and downhill skiing or snowboarding are popular activities. You can also go snowboarding in the summer at the Snowboard Tunnel. Cross-country skiing is also possible at the Ski Tunnel. In addition to Sotkamo there are also other ski resorts in Kainuu, such as Paljakka and Ukkohalla. In the summer you can go hiking in the nature. Nature can be found anywhere in this region.
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