on aika pureutua tarkemmin siihen, kuka tätä blogia kirjoittaakaan.
Pintapuolisesti lukijat varmasti tietävät, että olen kahden lapsen äiti.
Se onkin toki tärkein tehtäväni ja iso vastuu, mutta teen toki
muutakin. Olen kirjoittanut aikaisemmin postauksen minun päivästäni. Siitä saa
varmasti pientä käsitystä minusta, mutta mennäänpä vielä syvemmälle
siis 28-vuotias alun perin Sotkamosta lähtöisin oleva sisällöntuottaja
ja kääntäjä. Olen asunut elämäni aikana niin Pohjois-Suomessa kuin
ulkomaillakin. Nyt kotini löytyy kuitenkin Espoosta. Olen naimisissa
argentiinalaisen mieheni kanssa. Lapsistani vanhempi on kohta 5-vuotias
ja nuorempi 8 kuukautta. Kotoamme löytyy myös 13-vuotias Virosta
adoptoitu löytökoira. Sellainen kattaus siis.
hetkellä päivät kuluvat pitkälti lasten kanssa, mutta sen lisäksi niin
blogi kuin erilaiset työprojektit pitävät päiväni kiireisinä. Oman
lisänsä kiireiseen arkeen tuo myös mieheni työ. Hän on ammatiltaan
muusikko, joka kiertää maailmaa bändinsä kanssa. Kiertueita on siis
tänäkin vuonna, joten minä olen entistä enemmän vastuussa kodista ja
lapsista. Pikkulapsiaika kestää kuitenkin verrattain lyhyen ajan, joten
nautitaan nyt tästä.
aina rakastanut kirjoittamista ja tarinoita. Siinä varmasti suurin syy
siihen, miksi kirjoitan työkseni. Olen jo yli kymmenen vuotta elättänyt
itseni tehden sisällöntuotantoa ja käännöksiä. Toimin siis yrittäjänä,
mikä sopii minulle. Pystyn itse päättämään omista projekteistani ja voin
työskennellä siellä, missä ikinä olenkin. Koen, että perinteinen
päivätyö ei sopisi minulle. Olen nuorempana työskennellyt palkkatyössä
useiden vuosien ajan. Lukioaikana tein kauppavuoroja opiskeluiden
ohella. Pian lukion jälkeen kuitenkin päätin, että haluan olla itse
vastuussa omista projekteistani. Aloitin tekemään töitä kotona ensin
palkkalistoilla ja vähän ajan päästä yrittäjänä. Yrittäjänä olemisessa
on huonojakin puolia. Esimerkiksi nyt äitiyslomalla ollessani olen
joutunut pohtimaan raha-asioita tarkkaan.
suurin mielenkiinnon kohteeni on helppo arvata - kyllä vain, se on
matkustelu. Rakkaus eri kulttuureihin ja kieliin syntyi jo lapsuudessa.
Olen nopea oppimaan uusia kieliä, koska kiinnostus niihin on aitoa. Olen onnellinen siitä, että lapset
pääsevät kuulemaan useita kieliä kotiympäristössä. Kunhan aikaa on taas
enemmän omille harrastuksille, aion aloittaa katalaanin opiskelemisen.
Syy tähän on yksinkertaisesti Barcelona, jota rakastan.
rakas harrastukseni on musiikki. Olen itse asiassa opiskellut musiikin
teoriaa ja soittanut kitaraa pääinstrumenttinani. Kitara kuitenkin
vaihtui aika nopeasti pianoon, jota soitan edelleen. Rakastan
erityisesti suomalaisia bändejä. Täältä tulee niin monia lahjakkaita
muusikoita, jotka ovat täysin uniikkeja. Jossakin vaiheessa haaveilin
muusikon ammatista, mutta toisaalta olen tyytyväinen siihen, että se on
vain harrastus.
oikeudet ovat tärkeitä minulle. Olen adoptoinut kodittomia tai
lopettamisuhan alla olevia eläimiä aikaisemmin aina jyrsijöistä
frettiin. Tällä hetkellä koira on ainut eläin, joka meiltä kotoa löytyy.
Valitettavasti aikaa ei vain ole useammalle lemmikille. Toivottavasti
tulevaisuudessa sitten.
Tekstiä syntyisi helposti enemmänkin, mutta kirjoitan mieluummin muista aiheista kuin itsestäni. Kertokaas, rakkaat lukijat, keitä te olette ja mitä te teette työksenne, mitä harrastatte ja missä asutte.
Now is the time to take a closer look at who is writing this blog. Superficially, readers will know that I am a mother of two. That is certainly my most important task and a big responsibility, but that's not all. I have written a post about my day some time ago. It certainly gives a little idea of me, but let's go deeper into the subject.
So I am 28-year-old content creator and translator who is originally from Sotkamo. I have lived in my life in Northern Finland as well as abroad like in USA and in Scotland. But now my home is in Espoo, Finland. I am married to an Argentinian husband. The older of my children is 5 years old and younger is 8 months old. We also have 13-year-old rescue dog from Estonia.
Currently I spend my days mostly with the kids, but in addition also the blog and various work projects keep my days busy. When we add here my husband's work, even 48 hours a day is not enough for us to do everything. My husband is a professional musician who tours the world with his band. The tours are thus again this year, so I'm more and more responsible of home and children. However, the infant period is relatively short, so let's enjoy it now.
I've always loved writing and creating stories. That's probably the biggest reason I write for my job. I have worked as a content creator and translator for over ten years now. So I'm an entrepreneur, which suits me. I can decide about my own projects and can work wherever I am. I feel that a traditional day job would not suit me. I have worked in a normal job years ago. During high school I did shifts on weekends and evenings. Shortly after high school I decided I wanted to be responsible for my own projects. I started working from home first on payroll and in a short while as an entrepreneur. There are downsides when you're an entrepreneur. Maternity leave is a hard time because of the income. I would love to work more but don't have time for that right now.
My favourite hobby might be hard to guess - yes, it's traveling. Love for different cultures and languages has been there in me since the childhood. I am quick to learn new languages, as the interest in them is genuine. I am happy that the children get to hear several languages in the home environment. As soon as I have more time for my own hobbies, I will start studying Catalan. The reason for this is simply Barcelona, which I love.
Another dear hobby is music. I actually studied music theory and playing the guitar in the music academy. However, the guitar changed quite quickly to the piano, which I still play. At some point I was daydreaming of musician's profession, but on the other hand I am pleased that it is just a hobby.
Animal rights are important to me. I have adopted several rescue animals. At the moment we only have one dog. Unfortunately there is just no time for more pets. Hopefully in the future we will have more animals.
More text could easily be created, but I prefer to write about other topics than myself. Tell me, dear readers, who you are and what you do for living and where you live.
Now is the time to take a closer look at who is writing this blog. Superficially, readers will know that I am a mother of two. That is certainly my most important task and a big responsibility, but that's not all. I have written a post about my day some time ago. It certainly gives a little idea of me, but let's go deeper into the subject.
So I am 28-year-old content creator and translator who is originally from Sotkamo. I have lived in my life in Northern Finland as well as abroad like in USA and in Scotland. But now my home is in Espoo, Finland. I am married to an Argentinian husband. The older of my children is 5 years old and younger is 8 months old. We also have 13-year-old rescue dog from Estonia.
Currently I spend my days mostly with the kids, but in addition also the blog and various work projects keep my days busy. When we add here my husband's work, even 48 hours a day is not enough for us to do everything. My husband is a professional musician who tours the world with his band. The tours are thus again this year, so I'm more and more responsible of home and children. However, the infant period is relatively short, so let's enjoy it now.
I've always loved writing and creating stories. That's probably the biggest reason I write for my job. I have worked as a content creator and translator for over ten years now. So I'm an entrepreneur, which suits me. I can decide about my own projects and can work wherever I am. I feel that a traditional day job would not suit me. I have worked in a normal job years ago. During high school I did shifts on weekends and evenings. Shortly after high school I decided I wanted to be responsible for my own projects. I started working from home first on payroll and in a short while as an entrepreneur. There are downsides when you're an entrepreneur. Maternity leave is a hard time because of the income. I would love to work more but don't have time for that right now.
My favourite hobby might be hard to guess - yes, it's traveling. Love for different cultures and languages has been there in me since the childhood. I am quick to learn new languages, as the interest in them is genuine. I am happy that the children get to hear several languages in the home environment. As soon as I have more time for my own hobbies, I will start studying Catalan. The reason for this is simply Barcelona, which I love.
Another dear hobby is music. I actually studied music theory and playing the guitar in the music academy. However, the guitar changed quite quickly to the piano, which I still play. At some point I was daydreaming of musician's profession, but on the other hand I am pleased that it is just a hobby.
Animal rights are important to me. I have adopted several rescue animals. At the moment we only have one dog. Unfortunately there is just no time for more pets. Hopefully in the future we will have more animals.
More text could easily be created, but I prefer to write about other topics than myself. Tell me, dear readers, who you are and what you do for living and where you live.
Ihanan kattava kuvaus sinusta! :) Mukava lukea tällaisia!